Purpose & Vision of WSC.FYI

This AI transcription/summary was created on Nov 8 2023. Listen to the original recording here.

TL;DR ⧝ Unpacking the ethos behind WSC.FYI: a journal that champions holistic understanding over dissecting creative processes, fostering connections for collective growth, and embracing life's varied growth rates, all leading towards a unified, individuated world.
(daily artifact - the images heading each post are artifacts from my creative process and learning tracks.)
(daily artifact - the images heading each post are artifacts from my creative process and learning tracks.)


I want to talk about the purpose of this journal, WSC.FYI. The people who I respect the most these days are totally generous with showing how whatever they do comes together. They aren't afraid that it loses some magic or mystique by revealing the parts and revealing the construction. And in fact I think they're approaching it from a totally different angle, which is that the more steps that people can see and the more that the build of whatever they're doing can pace with the ability for people to process what's happening, the more connection they'll create through their art, their music, their programming, their engineering, whatever it is.

I've become very aware of the conditioned mentality that I've worked underneath. And that conditioning says, well that conditioning is almost a, it's a trauma from the very act of dissection. It's a trauma from trying to equate the dissected body with the body that lives. And I think there's a very fair reason to hold onto that complex because the approach of dissecting everything and treating parts as wholes in a sense or treating wholes as parts has really divided and conquered this world.

And we've done it to each other as well. We've done it to our bodies. We've done it to our environment. We've done it to, we've tried to do it to our thoughts.

And I think some things are, some things resist more than others in being drawn and quartered. But at the end of the day, it's caused a lot of imbalance, a lot of pain, a lot of destruction. And it's offered insight into a lot of the parts and a lot of the ingredients and watching processes, watching how things also die when they're separated from the whole and ultimately reckoning with the fact that no matter how good we are at discovering or let's say at magnifying the parts, we as humans still cannot create something that becomes whole again. And now that I know that, now that I've traced that journey through so many of its parts, I've let go of that fantasy that any creation can really be a total mystery coming from a human.

In fact, a lot of what we do is still a refining, a process of refining or a process of remixing. And when I look at my own work that way, I become less precious about it and I accept and celebrate the fact that most of my work is possible because of the work that came before it and the work that's happening concurrently, which would be all the tools that I leverage to make what I make. So there's the kind of moral obligation to not take something that was out in the open and then sequester it in a black box, I think, which would be the old paradigm, which is still very much present in the art world of like, hide everything and then put out a finished product or put out an artifact. I really would prefer to change my approach and mentality through the practice of building in the open and also shifting the emphasis in a subtle way from perfecting the product to offering artifacts, actually, of a process that is continuing and that is ultimately bringing me toward becoming a better human, not becoming a better artist, although I think the two are very much connected.

I'm also very keen on connecting with a more aligned peer group, that is, people who can interpret this desire for bettering of the self. And I don't mean bettering in the sense of looking better than others, which is a really, really deep current of motivation today, this needing to stand out so that you have leverage in this world. It's more about reaching a state of peace within so that problems without can then be encountered and worked on. And I feel that the process of adulting in a much deeper sense is moving through all your own issues so that you can take on larger systemic issues and so that you can help others and contribute to a shared growth and a shared freeing.

And that's only possible if we really remove our own distortions and take care of our own shit first. So back to what the purpose of WSC.FYI is, which is this journal. The purpose is to share every step so that there's no distortion when I look back on the process of where I started and where I go. Then there's the desire to connect with other people who are similarly wanting to share what they do for the elevation of the whole.

And also who are looking to have feedback so that what they do is never disconnected from a shared reality. And thirdly, I think that when every step of the process is elucidated upon, it becomes an actual real guidebook or insight for a path that other people can learn from. This would not be at the same time, this would be something in retrospect that people could look back on, a reference book, a playbook. And I do intend for, even though, well, there's another part to this, which is that there are a lot of people who start to share their process of development and their career kind of takes this turn where they become coaches or they become, yeah, basically coaches, teachers within that field of development or process gurus or whatever it is, productivity gurus.

I don't want that either. I really want all the things I've learned from others and from my own experiences of showing up repeatedly and failing a lot to contribute to my individuation process. This is where I become that perfect puzzle piece that fits back into the whole again. I also desire for this journal to be a fluid, direct, and accessible window into what I'm doing, as opposed to becoming a content maker spending time editing videos. I see video editing as a manipulative act because it tries to make the viewer see something in a specific time, skipping over the negative space where life really happens.

Many habits to falsify or manipulate are the results of a broken system that pits us against each other, forcing us to find every point of leverage because the current system doesn't provide enough for everyone. This is a distortion of an actual realm of abundance, where if everyone showed up as they are, the world would grow because of that. It wouldn't be about dividing a single pie into eight slices for a billion people. Instead, everyone would be making their own pies, constantly inventing new ways to create them, moving away from a hyper-efficient, monoculture-type formula.

The paradigm we're in is flawed, and it's not something one person can tackle alone. But I believe in resonance and emergence. One thing I'll be talking about a lot (not in this entry, but in the future) is the idea of hiding the spaciousness of life, the repetition of mistakes, and the different growth rates of brain connections, muscle tissue, and our environment.

To gloss over any of this distorts our sense of reality. When we learn through distortions upon distortions, it's clear why no one sees eye to eye. People are acting the same in an inverted individuation process, becoming similar because of an influencer modeling certain behaviors. This disjointedness leads everyone to see a different world, whereas in true individuation, everyone shares a common world through their unique experiences.

This is where a lot of the simulation theory comes from. It seems like a simulation if your reality doesn't match with others'. We're manifesting this by escaping into virtual reality, ignoring that these realities are nurtured by the ones that frame them.

If the Earth shuts down, all these other realities shut down too. I'll talk more about this later, as it factors into why I'm interested in broadening focus, considering spaces that are never truly empty, and building spaces with certain structuring. This isn't about narrow focus, but about harmonizing and structuring in a life-affirming way that doesn't resemble war, leverage, or competition. It's about being.

That's a note on what WSC.FYI intends to be.


Main Points

  • WSC.FYI is created to openly share the process and steps of the speaker's work.
  • The speaker is against the traditional dissecting mentality, seeing it as a cause of disbalance and destruction.
  • Speaker values connecting with like-minded peers aimed at fulfilling a desire for personal and collective betterment.
  • He criticizes the current competitive and distorted paradigm, advocating for a shift towards individuation.
  • The speaker highly regards staying true to the process, including the empty spaces and the repetitive errors.

Stories and Examples

  • Nothing found for this summary list type.

References and Citations

  • Nothing found for this summary list type.


Potential Action Items

Continue the practice of building in the open (2023-11-08T06:41:00.234Z).
Connect with an aligned peer group who share the desire for bettering of self (2023-11-08T06:41:00.234Z).
Take care of personal issues before addressing larger systemic issues (2023-11-08T06:41:00.234Z).
Aim to provide guidelines for people in retrospect, without seeking to become a coach or guru (2023-11-08T06:41:00.234Z).
Work on broadening focus and considering all spaces in life's endeavours (2023-11-08T06:41:00.234Z).

Follow-Up Questions

  • Can the notion of an 'individuating process' be elaborated further?
  • How can individuals effectively bridge this gap of disconnection caused by distortions?
  • What are the tangible steps to transition from the current paradigm to one that the speaker suggests?
  • What does practical execution of 'broadening focus' entail?
  • Can the speaker provide an example of an instance where this methodology has worked or failed?

Arguments and Areas for Improvement

These are potential arguments and rebuttals that other people may bring up in response to the transcript. Like every other part of this summary document, factual accuracy is not guaranteed.

  • This idea of open creation could potentially lead to lack of privacy and boundaries.
  • The semantic distinction between parts and wholes can be challenged, as it could be argued that parts and wholes are not mutually exclusive, but interconnected.
  • It may be impractical to expect everyone to follow the individuation process, given societal constraints and pressures.

Alt Text

Related Topics

  • broadening perspective
  • counter systemic issues
  • emergence and resonance
  • individuation process
  • influence of external factors on creation
  • mental conditioning
  • open source creation
  • parts vs wholes in creation
  • process vs product
  • the art world


  • Sentiment: positive
  • Transcription Cost: $0.109
  • Chat API Cost: $0.130
  • Total Cost: $0.239

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